The Best of IMA's Art Registry
San Juan Island Museum of Art
Friday Harbor, Washington 2015
Stewart Luckman
Marble and Sculpture
Bethel University Gallery
Saint Paul, Minnesota, 2001
Persevere, Läsare, Clarion
Olson Gallery - Bethel University
Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1996
Sculpture Invitational - Celtic Arts
Marshfield, Massachusetts, 1996
Invitational 1995 - Austin State University
Nacogdoches, Texas1995
Rosamund Felsen Gallery
Santa Monica, California, 1995
SculpturorsDraw - Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia, 1995
Galveston Arts Center - Galveston, Texas, 1994
National Invitational - Center for the Arts
Vero Beach, Florida, 1994
Diverse Works - Houston, Texas, 1993
University of Iowa Museum of Art
Iowa City, Iowa, 1992
Stewart Luckman
Greenville College - Greenville, Illinois, 1993
Stewart Luckman - Forum Gallery
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1992
Minnesota Metaphor - Rochester Art Center
Rochester Minnesota, 1991
Borrowed, Remembered, Dreamed - Cloister Gallery
Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1991
Forum Sculptors '90 - Forum Gallery
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1990
The Archaeology of Form - Katherine Nash Gallery
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1990
Another Foot in the Door - Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1990
Stewart Luckman - “New Works”
Forum Gallery - Minneapolis, Minnesota, l989
Eighth Michigan Invitational - Battle Creek Art Center
Battle Creek, Michigan, 1987
Small Sculpture - Saint Paul Companies
Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1988
Alumni Exhibition - University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1988
Sculpture Invitational
Forum Gallery
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1988
Sculpture: Public & Private
Aquinas College
Group Exhibition
Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1988
Agenda: South Africa
Karl Bethke, Stewart Luckman,
Peter Templeton-Townsend
Coffman Gallery
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1988
Recent Work: Scott Stack & Stewart Luckman
Thomas Barry Fine Arts
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1987
Collaboration: Eleven Artists
Eugene Johnson Gallery
Bethel University
Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1988
Sculpture ‘87
Katherine Nash Gallery
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Three Sculptors: Collet, Luckman, Packer
Muskegon Museum of Art
Muskegon, Michigan, 1986
Faculty Exhibition
Eugene Johnson Gallery
Bethel University
Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1986
Macalester College Alumni Invitational
Macalester College
Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1986
River Street Alive
Invitational Outdoor & Indoor Sculpture Exhibition
Manistee, Michigan, 1985
Imprimatur Sculpture Invitational
Imprimatur Gallery
Saint Paul, Minnesota, l984
Sculpture ‘83
Katherine Nash Gallery - University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota, l983
David Held & Stewart Luckman
Sculpture/Sound Installation
Bethel University Gallery
Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1982
Group Invitational
Saint Olaf College
Northfield, Minnesota, 1982
Seven State Outdoor Sculpture Competition
Hope College
Holland, Michigan, 1982
Haas, Hallman, Luckman & Rosenquist
University of Minnesota
Coffman Gallery
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1982
A Collection of Minnesota Artists
Kuopio Museum
Kuopio, Finland, 1982
Foot In the Door Show
Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program
Minneapolis, Institute of Arts
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1980
Inch Art
Rochester Art Center
Rochester, Minnesota, 1980
Alumni Invitational
University Gallery
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1979
Cornett, Luckman, & Milder
Art Latitude Gallery
28 Latitude Gallery
28 East 73rd Street
New York, New York, 1979
Sculpture ‘78 Peavy Plaza
Unicorn Galleries
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1978
Artists Present
Saint Paul Academy and Summit School
Group Exhibition
Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1978
New Work: Dale Johnson/Stewart Luckman
A Gallery
Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1978
Minnesota Faculty
Augsburg College
Fine Arts Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1978
Sculpture Midwest
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Northwestern Life Plaza
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1977
Crowell, Kielkopf, Luckman, & Randall
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Kreisge Gallery
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1977
Peavy Plaza Sculpture Exhibition
J. Hunt Gallery
Group Exhibition
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1977
Faculty Exhibition
Bethel University
Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1977
Group Exhibition
Minneapolis Institute of Art
Friends Gallery
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1972
Minnesota Society of Sculptors
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1970, 1971, 1972
Minnesota Sculptors
University of Minnesota
Coffman Gallery
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1970
National Fine Arts Academy
Group Exhibition
Interlochen, Michigan, 1969
Charlevoix Festival
Group Exhibition
Charlevoix, Michigan, 1969
Hamline University
University Gallery
One Man Exhibition
Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1968
Freemanson Gallery
Group Exhibition
Preston, Washington, 1966
Seattle-Pacific College
Group Exhibition
Seattle, Washington, 1962